Deaf/Hard of Hearing

  • Language Access Planning for Deaf People: A Toolkit

    Research on victimization within the Deaf community suggests that Deaf individuals living in the United States have higher rates of domestic and sexual victimization than their hearing counterparts. Despite these …
  • The Fundamentals of Language Access Planning for Deaf People

    Research on victimization within the Deaf Community suggests that Deaf individuals living in the United States have higher levels of domestic and sexual victimization than their hearing counterparts. Despite these …
  • Understanding Violence in the Lives of Deaf People

    Domestic and sexual violence impact members of the Deaf community at high rates.  Yet, many service providers are not prepared to address the needs of this community.  Specifically designed for …
  • Informational Webinar – Sign Language Interpretation Service

    Webinar for organizations interested in the Sign Language Interpreting Service for Deaf Victims. Attendees will receive updates on how to apply and important dates about the process. In addition, participants will be able to ask questions about participating in the...
  • Hearing Advocates in Deaf Justice: Reflections on Allyship

    Join us to explore hearing allyship, guiding principles, and practical suggestions hearing advocates can take to support Deaf advocates and Deaf advocacy.
  • Supporting Black Deaf Survivors

    Black deaf survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence often have to navigate a web of barriers to accessing healing services: programs designed to respond to domestic and sexual violence, for …
  • Sexual Violence in the Lives of Indigenous People with Disabilities

    Nearly 3 million people in the United States identify as “American Indian or Alaskan Native” (2010 U.S. Census). Due to systemic and historical oppression, individuals within these communities experience high …
  • Promising Practices for Serving Domestic Violence Survivors with Disabilities

    This webinar featured a panel of experts who explored the unique barriers that people with disabilities have to navigate when seeking healing and the strategies that advocates employ to proactively …
  • Ensuring an Accessible Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    Domestic Violence Awareness Month was established in October of 1987. Since then, across the country, domestic violence advocates have organized awareness-raising events in support of domestic violence survivors, to highlight …
  • Centering Survivors with Disabilities in Your Organizational Policies

    When survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors engage with your victim service organization or disability program, they are necessarily engaging with the policies that guide the delivery of your services. …