Interpreter Screening Guide created by HEAL of Tri-County

To effectively support d/Deaf survivors of violence, having a diverse pool of skilled interpreters who understand trauma and specialized terminology is crucial. Interpreters must be mindful of their own power, privilege, and biases, and comprehend how trauma impacts communication and healing. HEAL of Tri-County has developed an Interpreter Screening Guide to aid victim service agencies in assessing the capabilities of interpreters they use for d/Deaf survivor services.

HEAL of Tri-County, a collaboration in southern New Jersey involving the Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV) program within Center For Family Services and The Arc Gloucester, is funded by the Office on Violence Against Women’s Disability Grant Program. This initiative enhances their agencies’ ability to support survivors of violence who are Deaf or living with disabilities. For more information, contact Maria Armstrong, Project Director, at

PDF Resource

  • HEAL of Tri-County Intepreter Screening Guide

    HEAL of Tri-County has developed an Interpreter Screening Guide to aid victim service agencies in assessing the capabilities of interpreters they use for d/Deaf survivor services.

Published on:
June 11, 2024