
  • You Report? Everyone Reports? Mandated Reporting Obligations When a Survivor Has a Disability

    This webinar provides an overview of mandatory reporting in the context of sexual and domestic violence and some of the unique dynamics that arise when a survivor of sexual or …
  • Who Decides? The Unique Dynamics of Serving Survivors with Guardians

    This webinar is a primer on the how to best serve a survivor who has a guardian – including issues of confidentiality and information on how to approach the situation …
  • Sexual Victimization of Men with Disabilities and Deaf Men: A National Snapshot

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as any “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.”1 Major life activities include seeing, hearing, reading, …
  • Creating Accessible E-Documents

    The Designing Accessible Resources Tip Sheet Series for people with disabilities and Deaf people was created to help organizations plan print and digital resources that are accessible to people with … ...
  • Creating Accessible Print Materials

    The Designing Accessible Resources Tip Sheet Series for people with disabilities and Deaf people was created to help organizations plan print and digital resources that are accessible to people with …
  • Creating Accessible Websites

    The Designing Accessible Resources Tip Sheet Series for people with disabilities and Deaf people was created to help organizations plan print and digital resources that are accessible to people with … ...
  • Planning and Hosting Accessible Webinars

    Webinars are a great option for sharing information and providing training for those working to address domestic and sexual violence against people with disabilities. These types of virtual sessions are …
  • Promoting Accessibility and Accountability: Law Enforcement and Survivors with Disabilities and Deaf Survivors

    It is important that law enforcement officers are aware of best practices when serving survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors to ensure that their response to these survivors is effective …
  • Understanding the Legal Framework: Federal Laws and Case Law Impacting Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Organizations

    Survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors need the services of domestic violence and sexual violence organizations at the same rate, if not more often, than people without disabilities. However, these …
  • Violence Against People with Disabilities and Deaf People 101

    Research has shown that some people with disabilities experience increased risk of domestic and sexual violence compared to people without disabilities and that those that do experience such violence reported …