
  • Safety and Assistive Technology

    Technology is integral in the daily lives of all people. This session explored the range of assistive technology used by people with disabilities, including common terms, definitions, and differences. The …
  • Providing Accessible and Effective Services to Survivors of Sexual Assault with Disabilities

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and in support of survivors everywhere, we dedicated this month’s End Abuse of People with Disabilities webinar to lifting up promising practices for serving survivors …
  • Creating Language Access with Deaf Advocates: Partnering for Success

    Conferences are a place where advocates and leaders in the anti-violence movement can learn more about trends and strategies as well as network with other colleagues. For Deaf advocates, there …
  • What’s Happening for Deaf Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence?

    Deaf domestic and sexual violence programs are few and far between in comparison to hearing programs. There are only 20 “for Deaf, by Deaf” programs compared to approximately 3,000 programs …
  • Invisible Injuries: Domestic Violence, Traumatic Brain Injuries and Strangulation

    While some disabilities are present at birth, many people with disabilities acquired their disability through trauma.Advocates who work with domestic violence survivors have known for decades that abusers intentionally target …
  • Emerging Issues for Domestic Violence Survivors with Disabilities and Deaf Survivors: 2021 and Beyond

    Are you grappling with how to best serve survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors during what feels like a constant transition period? Are you trying to have critical conversations within …
  • Words Matter: Exploring Identity and Language for Survivors with Disabilities

    In the disability community, where there is a history of erasure, exploitation, and misunderstanding, language choices we make when talking about people with disabilities (also referred to as disabled people) …
  • Ableism and Violence: A Plain Language Guide

    This resource was created to be a plain language guide to ableism and the ways that ableism contributes to violence against people with disabilities. It is designed to help self-advocates …
  • Innovations at the Intersection: Centering Survivors with Disabilities in the Movement

    Survivors with disabilities are experts in their own lived experiences, so they should guide our work to ensure services are accessible and responsive to their needs. To meaningfully work with survivors with …
  • Peer to Peer: Bridging the Gap Through Self-Advocacy Curriculum

    People with developmental and intellectual disabilities are at an increased risk of experiencing abuse. They may turn to a variety of support systems in the aftermath of victimization, but barriers …