
  • Supporting Deaf & DeafBlind Survivors

    Deaf people are 1.5-5 times more likely than hearing people to experience domestic and sexual violence. Despite being at greater risk, they face significant barriers to accessing victim services. Many …
  • One Year Later: Reflections on Sustaining Services for Survivors with Disabilities During COVID-19

    The past year has brought unprecedented challenges and evolving landscapes for all of us. For those who were already underserved – such as survivors with disabilities – COVID-19 amplified the …
  • Meeting the Needs of Immigrant Survivors with Disabilities

    Survivors with disabilities who have immigrated to the United States face challenges in reporting victimization and receiving services. Language barriers, a lack of a support network in the United States, …
  • People with Disabilities COVID-19 Survivor Impact Brief

    The Center on Victimization and Safety hosted three listening sessions on COVID-19 and its impact on survivors with disabilities. From these listening sessions, we created a COVID-19 Survivor Impact Brief …
  • Just Ask: A Toolkit to Help Advocates, Attorneys, and Law Enforcement Meet the Needs of Crime Victims with Disabilities

    People with disabilities and Deaf people experience violent crime at three times the rate of people without disabilities, yet healing services and the legal system are often not accessible to …
  • Just Ask: A Toolkit to Help Attorneys and Prosecutors Meet the Needs of Crime Victims with Disabilities

    People with disabilities and Deaf people experience violent crime at three times the rate of people without disabilities, yet healing services and the legal system are often not accessible to …
  • Just Ask: A Toolkit to Help Law Enforcement Personnel Meet the Needs of Crime Victims with Disabilities

    People with disabilities and Deaf people experience violent crime at three times the rate of people without disabilities, yet healing services and the legal system are often not accessible to …
  • Tips for Working with Remote Sign Language Interpreters

    This resource includes accessibility tips to consider for virtual events and engagements. Consider language and disability accessibility needs for all virtual meetings. This Tip Sheet includes information about: Securing qualified …
  • A Conversation on Serving Survivors with Disabilities

    Research has shown that people with disabilities experience increased risk of domestic and sexual violence compared to people without disabilities. They also experience unique challenges in receiving healing and support, …
  • How Safe are Americans with Disabilities?

    While people with disabilities make up nearly one-fifth of the U.S. population, they remain largely invisible to society at large, and victim response systems in particular. And despite growing public …