
  • Accessibility Tip Sheet for Virtual Meetings and Events

    This resource includes accessibility tips to consider for virtual events and engagements. Consider language and disability accessibility needs for all virtual meetings.
  • Economic Justice for Survivors with Disabilities During COVID-19 and Beyond

    Survivors with disabilities often face economic barriers to services and healing. They may live on a limited income (either due to sub-minimum wage, Social Security, or SSI) that restricts their …
  • Advocacy Strategies for Ensuring Access to Services and Healthcare for Survivors with Disabilities During COVID-19 and Beyond

    COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting survivors with disabilities. They are more likely to contract the virus, more likely to experience severe symptoms, and less likely to receive services, including advocacy services …
  • Technology as a Tool for Advocacy: Accessible and Safe Use of Technology to Serve Survivors with Disabilities During COVID-19 and Beyond

    COVID-19 is requiring programs to rapidly adapt their advocacy for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The creative use of technology to serve survivors creates an opportunity to develop an …
  • Removing Barriers Following Sexual Assault: Sexual Assault Forensic Exams for Survivors with Disabilities

    There are many barriers for survivors of sexual assault who are seeking sexual assault medical forensic exam services to overcome- regardless of abilities. Those challenges can be compounded when the …
  • Interviewing Survivors with Disabilities

    Survivors of sexual violence with disabilities have unique needs when being interviewed as part of a criminal justice response. It is important that interviews balance a trauma informed approach with …
  • Serving Survivors who Have Service Animals

    Service animals are vital to some survivors with disabilities. They can provide independence and mobility and truly act as partners to their handlers. However, domestic violence shelters and other residential …
  • Augmented Language: A Brief Introduction

    In this video, we define Augmented Language. We explain simple language and augmented language, and why these communication methods matter for accessibility. Finally, we demonstrate how to use augmented language …
  • Alternative Text: A Brief Introduction

    In this video, we discuss Alternative Text: what it is, and why it matters for survivors with disabilities. We demonstrate how to add alternative text to images and other visual …
  • Plain Language: A Brief Introduction

    In this video, we discuss plain language and why it matters for survivors with disabilities. We explain how we can communicate using plain language, and share some examples of plain …