
  • Serving Both Sides: Navigating Domestic Violence Amongst Service Users

    This webinar explores the importance of policies to ensure effective and safe services for all people served when there is domestic violence amongst service providers as well as some important …
  • It’s My Prerogative: Consent and Healthy Sexuality for People with Disabilities

    This webinar reviews the need for sexuality education for people with disabilities, issues around consent to sex for people with disabilities, how to talk to people with disabilities about consent, …
  • Nothing About Us Without Us: Centering the Movement Around Self-Advocates

    This webinar provides an overview of how to facilitate the effective participation of self-advocates at the intersection of violence and disability as well as some of the benefits of ensuring …
  • Funding to Make Services Safe and Accessible for Survivors with Disabilities and Deaf Survivors: OVW’s Disability Grant Program

    Join us in the webinar to learn more about violence against people with disabilities and Deaf people as well as the Disability Grant Program, a source of funding for organizations …
  • Working with Deaf Survivors

    This webinar provides information on violence against Deaf people as well as strategies for ensuring language access for Deaf survivors seeking services.
  • Creating and Maintaining a Safety Net for Survivors with Disabilities

    When serving survivors with disabilities, there are additional services that a survivor might need assistance accessing, such as federal disability benefits and supportive housing. This webinar provides information on how …
  • Compensation Considerations for Self-Advocates Receiving Government Benefits

    Vera’s Center on Victimization and Safety believes that people with disabilities and Deaf people are experts in their own experiences. One way to ensure that the perspectives of people with …
  • Designing Accessible Events for People with Disabilities and Deaf People

    The Designing Accessible Events Tip Sheet Series was created to help organizations plan events that are accessible to people with disabilities and Deaf individuals. The series contains tip sheets on …
  • Designing Accessible Resources for People with Disabilities and Deaf People

    The Designing Accessible Resources Tip Sheet Series for people with disabilities and Deaf people was created to help organizations plan print and digital resources that are accessible to people with …
  • Raising the Bar: Best Practices for Legal Advocacy for People with Disabilities

    Navigating the legal system can be challenging in the best of circumstances. When you also have a disability, additional barriers will arise. This webinar explores best practices for legal advocates …